Jarrah Flanagan

Bachelor of Fine Arts

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The Great Hall

This installation consists of hundreds of framed images of great personalities throughout history (real and imagined) as portrayed by celebrities in films and television series. The prosperity of the West is addressed through an aristocratic lens, encouraging us to recognise the role consumption plays in placating human need and affirming often unrealistic, heroic dreams. Racism, exploitation and superficiality are alluded to through absence, yet these very absences also render it a non-confrontational, "pleasant" work, exploring the mindset of the privileged 21st century individual.

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The Great Hall
  • Ruin (Final Stages In Studio)

  • Ruin (Final Stages In Studio)

  • Ruin

  • Ruin

  • Dream Weaver

  • Dream Weaver

  • Dream Weaver

  • The Great Hall

  • The Great Hall

  • The Great Hall

  • The Cavaliers

  • Dissonance Collage