Justine Avery

Master of Cross-Disciplinary Art and Design

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Catchment Series, 2011

Flora and fauna 2D forms in process is being made from calico layered with stenciled muslin are interlaced with linen thread. Dimensions: 200cms x 160cms

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Catchment Series, 2011
  • Catchment Series, 2011

  • Catchment Series, 2011

  • Catchment Series, 2011

  • Catchment Series, 2009(Detail)

  • Catchment Series, 2009 (Detail)

  • Catchment Series: Blow In From The Bush (2009)

  • Catchment Series: Valley Of Tears

  • Catchment Series: High Place On A High Place

  • Catchment Series: Altar, 2011

  • Catchment Series: Altar (Process), 2011

  • Catchment Series: Valley Of Tears  (Process), 2011

  • Catchment Series" Valley Of Tears Components, 2009 2011