Justine Avery

Master of Cross-Disciplinary Art and Design

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Catchment Series: Altar (process), 2011

12 cast porcelain olive oil cans are currently being cast to construct an Altar for the "Goddess Collective" to demonstrate how 'her' olive oil residue has potential to become an integrative pest management system (IPM) and construction material.

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Catchment Series: Altar (Process), 2011
  • Catchment Series, 2011

  • Catchment Series, 2011

  • Catchment Series, 2011

  • Catchment Series, 2009(Detail)

  • Catchment Series, 2009 (Detail)

  • Catchment Series: Blow In From The Bush (2009)

  • Catchment Series: Valley Of Tears

  • Catchment Series: High Place On A High Place

  • Catchment Series: Altar, 2011

  • Catchment Series: Altar (Process), 2011

  • Catchment Series: Valley Of Tears  (Process), 2011

  • Catchment Series" Valley Of Tears Components, 2009 2011