Christopher Darmadi

Bachelor of Design

[RE]BIRTH Installation

Installation named '[re]birth' was also designed by Lisa Duong. Made out of plastic bags, the repeated process of life and death is a concept behind our installation. It gives different viewers a different understanding of the installation, making [re] birth; a sentimental and self-interpreting piece.

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[Re]Birth Installation
  • [Re]Birth Installation

  • O Bento [Sustainable Restaurant] Poster Design + Spacial Design

  • Incubate Magazine

  • New Typeface: Abcd Font

  • Portfolio '2010'

  • 'Be Cautious, Be Observant, Be Smart' Net Safety Campaign

  • Live Futures 2020 'Transform The Future' Festival

  • Entrap (2009)

  • Green Office Unsw

  • The I Bot (Collage)

  • Timing

  • A Day In The Life Of Mouse