Janet Kavita

Bachelor of Art Education

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Death of Morality

A painting mixed media art which combines digital prints and photocopies of visual imagery to depict the complexities and implications in the world we live in today. The main purpose for this painting is to encourage viewers to realise the relationship between consumerism and execution, this is conveyed with the most symbolic picture of the crucifixion and Jesus Christ which is juxtaposed with the imagery of consumerism, consisting of money, and imagery of advertisements, famous business logos and symbols that represent the consumer world. This painting questions the viewers the way of living in which we are set in position to become slavery to the world of politics, power and money. We as humans religiously buy and sell goods to be more richer, or to follow the ideal way of living, however there is this sense of death of morality in the world we live in, we are idolising money and power over humanity itself. This painting is questioning the viewers to what extent are we really making this world a more productive and better place? Are we consumed too much in our minds and body with the influence from today’s music, media, news and the technological advancements that we have completely forgotten how to live? Death of morality is given as the artist who is a female is portrayed as Jesus Christ questioning the sexism and feminism implications we face in today’s world.

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Death Of Morality
  • Death Of Morality