Artist Statement

From an interest in eco-system health, and studies in cross disciplinary art and science I have produced an immersive art system. 12 binary paintings produced while living in the Mundaring Catchment are integral components. Mundaring, Noongah for “High Place on a High Place” overlooks the “Valley of Tears”, a vernacular for this dew drenched vale. Over the years I watched developers lay quadrants, install bores and plant exotic flowers for export, subdivide and transect prime land. My elderly mother whispered sadly, ‘Jane Brook stopped flowing this summer for the first time and look, the ‘strawberry gums’ are distressed’.


  • 2008 - 2011 : COFA, MCDArtDes
  • 2005 : Australian National University, BA

Justine Avery

Master of Cross-Disciplinary Art and Design

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