Artist Statement

What is Real? What is Beautiful? Can Unreal things still be Beautiful? These are the questions that plague me, in both Art and Philosophy. All of my works are attempts, in one way or another, to answer these three questions. Recently my practice has become digital, in response to the increasingly digital world I inhabit. This has added another layer to the puzzle. I do not expect to ever fully answer these questions, either in Philosophy or Art. But for me, the puzzle is more interesting then the answer. Who the hell cares about 42?

* (2011)


  • 2008 - 2011 : COFA, BFA / BA


  • Digital Media
    Photoshop CS5
  • Drawing
    Charcoal, Graphite, Sand
  • Painting
    Oils, Digital
  • Philosophy
    Philosophies of Mind, Language, Truth and Belief

Nikolaus Yee

Bachelor of Fine Arts / Bachelor of Arts

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