Artist Statement

My education at COFA has confirmed my strong interest in digital media as a life passion. It has enabled me to pursue and develop these established interests in illustrations, film and photography, while also providing me the opportunity to discover a new passion for 3D animation, including character development, story boarding, modeling, animating and texture painting.

Over the course of my studies, I have explored new ideas and attuned my observations of beautiful & timeless things either through illustrations, photography or 3D animation.

“Wisdow begins in wonder”



  • 2008 - 2011 : COFA, BDM
  • 2008 : USYD, BA Anthropology


  • 2D Illustration
    Concept Art, Character Development, Animatic
  • 3D Animation
    Modelling, Texture Painting, UV Mapping, Blendshapes, Animation, Lighting

Pearl Luen Chee Lai

Bachelor of Digital Media

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